GP 10GB 200TK Validity 30 Days (GP Internet Offer 2020)

GP 10GB 200TK 30 Days!. GP 10GB Internet Only 200Tk Validity 30 Days- GP Best Internet Offer 2020 (10GB@Tk200) today we will share Grameenphone 10GB internet offer the price is BDT 200, validity 30 days after the activation your internet package.

GP 10GB 200TK Validity 30 Days, GP 10GB 200TK 30 Days, gp 10gb 200 tk 30 days, gp 10gb 200 tk offer, gp internet offer 2020, gp new internet offer,

Grameenphone is the most popular telecommunications company in Bangladesh. Grameenphone regularly creating a new offer for their special subscribers. In this post, we're going to share with you GP 10GB Internet at 200 Taka only for GP spacial subscribers

GP 10GB 200TK Validity 30 Days, GP 10GB 200TK 30 Days, gp 10gb 200 tk 30 days, gp 10gb 200 tk offer, gp internet offer 2020, gp new internet offer,If you want to buy this offer 10gb 200taka for 30 days validity just dial *121*5266# only for gp special subscribers.

GP 10GB 200TK Validity 30 Days, GP 10GB 200TK 30 Days, gp 10gb 200 tk 30 days, gp 10gb 200 tk offer, gp internet offer 2020, gp new internet offer,

GP 10GB Tk200 Validity 30 Days- GP Best Internet Offer (10GB@Tk200) Full Details & Terms

What is the active code for buying 10GB for 200Tk?

  • You need to dial *121*5266# from your Grameenphone SIM to purchase 10GB internet with just BDT.200 validity 30 days.
  • Grameenphone (GP) 10GB Tk200
  • This is a GP special internet offer (Maybe everybody does not get the offer)
  • The validity 10GB offer is 30 days (1-Month)
  • To activate the special internet offer just dial the activation code *121*5266#
  • GP recently started the 10GB data offer.
  • You may also get the offer (try it)
  • Dial *121*1*2# to check your remaining data volume balance.
  • Tk.200 included all VAT, SD.
  • Limited time offer applicable to this offer.
  • This is the special subscriber GP offer.
  • Skitto sim customers can’t enjoy this offer.
